How to Confess Your Love on The Beach & Get Songs Unstuck From Your Noggin

Hi Reader,

Welcome to another glorious week of living!!!

Today is going to be a GREAT day.

Read on for some niche trivia knowledge and inspiration 🚀

What I'm learning about 🧠

Why songs get stuck in your head.

We've all had it happen.

There you are, minding your own business, when song lyrics suddenly pop into your brain:

"I tried so hard and got so far. But in the end, it doesn't even matter."

Before you know it you're humming or singing along.

This phenomenon is called an "earworm."

Earworms are memories that spontaneously pop into your head and repeat themselves in a direct loop.

Scientists suspect that it's our mental architecture that allows musical patterns to emerge and play over and over again.

And the triggers of this happening are recency, familiarity, and boredom.

Let's give the people what they want.

Here are two ways to get those pesky lyrics out of your head:

  1. Complete the song: Go listen to the full song (especially the end) to cue your brain that it's finished
  2. Distract Yourself: Watching a random video or even looking at a funny meme is surprisingly effective at getting songs unstuck

I know, I know.

If you hear Flowers by Miley Cyrus one more time you're gonna lose it.

You can thank me later for keeping you sane and for adding some more (potentially useless) trivia to your noggin!

P.S. I'm still singing the Linkin Park lyrics from above in my head too...

What I'm thinking about 🤔

Living your life like the protagonist in a superhero movie.

There's a reason I got the phrase "Live a Story Worth Telling" tattooed on my forearm.

Choosing the comfortable option in life is simply too easy.

It's in our nature to minimize risk and play it safe.

And yet I've found that life rewards bold and adventurous action.

Every time you overcome resistance and face your fear, life expands.

The magic begins when you decide to be the hero of your story.

It's not easy.

It's certainly not comfortable.

But every time I look down at my arm, I remember that I must act.

How do you realize your potential?

By daring greatly.

I found myself in a situation last night where I needed my reminder.

My toes were in the sand and the sun was setting.

My heart was pounding as I realized what I was about to say.

I looked down at my arm and reminded myself:

Live a story worth telling.

Then I looked up into the eyes of my girlfriend.

The stranger from a cafe who I gave my number to many months ago.

"I love you."

My heart skipped a beat.


Then the crinkling of the eyes and the beginnings of a smile.

A deep peace overcame me.

My heart relaxed.

Confessing my love on the beach at sunset was a story worth telling.

Regardless of the outcome, I would always remember this moment.

I was living like the protagonist of a superhero movie.

And when I'm 112 years old and look like a dehydrated grape...

This moment will bring a huge, semi-toothless smile to my face

P.S. She said "I love you" back 😎

Quote of the week 📜

"Most of the time you don't need more information, you need more courage."

- James Clear

What I'm reading 📖

A 30-second read titled: The Past is Not True​

This is a MUST-READ on how you can change your personal history.

Thank you to the amazing Cherie Brooks for sharing this with me!


I'm on a mission to have 100 conversations with people about their biggest dreams by July 31st.

The days are running out and it's time we talked about what you want most in life.

My goal is to help YOU achieve your dreams faster, with a higher probability of success, with less effort and sacrifice, and more FUN!

Are you in?

Click the button below to schedule your free Dream Session.

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Sent with love,

Gregory Russell Benedikt

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Gregory Russell Benedikt

My mission is to live a story worth telling while helping others do the same! If you want to add more meaning, fulfillment, and adventure to your life, we need to talk.

Read more from Gregory Russell Benedikt

Hi Reader, Welcome back to Renaissance This newsletter is meant to: Teach you cool stuff Inspire you to take bold action Make you pause, smile, and maybe even laugh It's part of my mission to live a story worth telling while helping YOU do the same. If you're ready to create more meaning, fulfillment, and adventure in your life, click the button below: Book a Free Discovery call TODAY Why wait any longer? What I'm learning about 🧠 Creating "perfect moments." Eugene O'Kelly was the CEO of one...

Hi Reader, Welcome back to Renaissance This newsletter is meant to: Teach you cool stuff Inspire you to take bold action Make you pause, smile, and maybe even laugh It's part of my mission to live a story worth telling while helping YOU do the same. If you're ready to create more meaning, fulfillment, and adventure in your life, click the button below: Book a Free Discovery call TODAY Why wait any longer? What I'm learning about 🧠 Alexander the Great's final three wishes. Alexander the Great...

Hi Reader, Welcome back to Renaissance This newsletter is meant to: Teach you cool stuff Inspire you to take bold action Make you pause, smile, and maybe even laugh It's part of my mission to live a story worth telling while helping YOU do the same. If you're ready to create more meaning, fulfillment, and adventure in your life, click the button below: Book a Free Discovery call TODAY Why wait any longer? What I'm learning about 🧠 The secret formula to feeling MORE ALIVE. I'll give you a...