If You Loved Yourself Fully and Deeply, What Would You Do?

Hi Reader,

Ask yourself this powerful question:

If I loved myself fully and deeply, what would I do?

Use your answer to influence your day, week, and life.

Acting from a place of love > from a place of stress/anger/lack.

It's time you started treating yourself as well as you do your best friend.

You are worth it.

What I'm learning/thinking about 🧠

Self-love, achievement, and my inner critic.

30 minutes ago this section was all about how choosing self-love is always the answer.

But as I sat here writing (and re-writing) sentences, I began to feel frustrated.

All the while my inner critic was berating me, saying:

It's 10:12 am and you STILL haven't sent out the newsletter?

You are lazy and wasting time.

Writing about choosing love while feeling stressed?

You are a fraud.

Those last four words are the ones that scare me the most.

As someone who makes a living helping other people improve their lives, it often feels like I have to have it all figured out.

But I don't.

And neither do you.

Each morning we get to make a conscious choice.

We can give ourselves grace and choose love despite our fumblings.

Or we can tear ourselves down.

Accusing ourselves of all the things we are most afraid of being.

Nobody can be crueler to you than yourself.

And while this masochistic self-flagellation can light a fire under your ass (read: David Goggins), it ultimately erodes your life force.

There are only so many beatings the self can take before it breaks.

Choosing love may not be the ultimate productivity hack.

It may not optimize your life for efficiency and output.

But each day you get to choose which part of you to water.

The part of you that deeply loves yourself.

Or the one that doesn't.

Quote of the week πŸ“œ

β€œAmong those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator. But among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.”​

β€” W. H. Auden

What I'm reading πŸ“š

When I was back home in Bend, I stumbled across an old book:

​Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.​

It's all about relationships, communication, and understanding the opposite sex.

A little dated at times but very interesting and enjoyable so far.

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Click the button below to start loving your Monday mornings.

Sent with lots of love,

Gregory Russell Benedikt

Talk to me: hello@gregoryrussellbenedikt.com

Website: gregoryrussellbenedikt.com

Writing: Medium

Connect: Instagram & LinkedIn

Gregory Russell Benedikt

My mission is to live a story worth telling while helping others do the same! If you want to add more meaning, fulfillment, and adventure to your life, we need to talk.

Read more from Gregory Russell Benedikt

Hi Reader, Welcome back to Renaissance This newsletter is meant to: Teach you cool stuff Inspire you to take bold action Make you pause, smile, and maybe even laugh It's part of my mission to live a story worth telling while helping YOU do the same. If you're ready to create more meaning, fulfillment, and adventure in your life, click the button below: Book a Free Discovery call TODAY Why wait any longer? What I'm learning about 🧠 Creating "perfect moments." Eugene O'Kelly was the CEO of one...

Hi Reader, Welcome back to Renaissance This newsletter is meant to: Teach you cool stuff Inspire you to take bold action Make you pause, smile, and maybe even laugh It's part of my mission to live a story worth telling while helping YOU do the same. If you're ready to create more meaning, fulfillment, and adventure in your life, click the button below: Book a Free Discovery call TODAY Why wait any longer? What I'm learning about 🧠 Alexander the Great's final three wishes. Alexander the Great...

Hi Reader, Welcome back to Renaissance This newsletter is meant to: Teach you cool stuff Inspire you to take bold action Make you pause, smile, and maybe even laugh It's part of my mission to live a story worth telling while helping YOU do the same. If you're ready to create more meaning, fulfillment, and adventure in your life, click the button below: Book a Free Discovery call TODAY Why wait any longer? What I'm learning about 🧠 The secret formula to feeling MORE ALIVE. I'll give you a...